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Microsoft Outlook Remote Code Execution Vulnerability - CVE-2024-21413

After they tried to fix it, from Microsoft =) Not bad but we need more! :D

Python exploit:

RESET THE PC - Exploit: CRITICAL JOKE! WARNING: This is only for education!

Buy the Python exploit:

Get the exploit
How to get the exploit: leave a message after you subscribe to the мembership: (Exploit for CVE-2024-21413)

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And if you don't, shame on you!
HTML tutorial


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REPRODUCE OF THE VULNERABILITY =): Collaboration: silentsignal


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DVWA - Brute Force (High Level) - Anti-CSRF Tokens

This is the final "how to" guide which brute focuses Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA), this time on the high security level. It is an expansion from the "low" level (which is a straightforward HTTP GET form attack). The main login screen shares similar issues (brute force-able and with anti-CSRF tokens). The only other posting is the "medium" security level post (which deals with timing issues). For the final time, let's pretend we do not know any credentials for DVWA.... Let's play dumb and brute force DVWA... once and for all! TL;DR: Quick copy/paste 1: CSRF=$(curl -s -c dvwa.cookie "" | awk -F 'value=' '/user_token/ {print $2}' | cut -d "'" -f2) 2: SESSIONID=$(grep PHPSESSID dvwa.cookie | cut -d $'\t' -f7) 3: curl -s -b dvwa.cookie -d "username=admin&password=password&user_token=${CSRF}&Login=Login" "192.168.1