Пропускане към основното съдържание


Показват се публикации от юни, 2022




Price of the Exploit: $2k + $3k-documentation! How to buy it? Donate one or five euros, it's up to you. IMPORTANT: leave your email with the donation. Contact me for a contract. Or I will connect with you, soon as I can! Best Regards.



The video price is 10 euros How to buy it? Donate only if you don't want to buy it. Reason: Donate only. Donate five euros. Reason: Donate + order. IMPORTANT: leave your email with the donation. I will connect with you, soon as I can! Thank you, and Best Regards.

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via algorithm confusion

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via algorithm confusion with no exposed key

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via kid header path traversal

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via jku header injection

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via jwk header injection

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via weak signing key

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via flawed signature verification

PortSwigger-Lab: JWT authentication bypass via unverified signature

