# make 1G txt data file dd if=/dev/zero of=data.txt bs=1M count=1024 # compress with tools gzip -c data.txt > data.txt.gz tar -cf data.txt.tar data.txt xz -zk data.txt 7za a -t7z data.txt.7z data.txt # compress with bzip2 bzip2 -zk data.txt # make unlimited size bzip2 archive (3GB in this case) dd if=/dev/zero bs=1G count=3 | bzip2 -c > fun.bz2 # start extracting that file bzip2 -d fun.bz2 ######################################### # nu11secur1ty - test # Make 3G file for test dd if=/dev/zero bs=1MB count=3000 | bzip2 -c > fun.txt.bz2 # start extracting that file bzip2 -d fun.txt.bz2 ------------------------------------------ #Manual # make 4MB txt data file dd if=/dev/zero of=fun.txt bs=4MB count=1 # make bzip2 archive bzip2 fun.txt # chech the size after compress du -h fun.txt # start extracting that file bzip2 -d fun.txt.bz2