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HP ProLiant BL460c Gen9 Server SLES _12_ Accelerator Automation_installer

Compiling from Source for SLES 12 SP4
Download Source from SanDisk

0. Installing C & C++ Development tool with yast installer
1. Install kernel source from yast
2. Installing packages for bulding: zypper install kernel-syms make rpm gcc rsync rpm-build kernel-source
3. Build RPM from source rpm
4. Installing packages - specific priority from #history
    Enloy :) 

kalpazanin4:~ # history
    1  2019-02-06 22:03:57 yast
    2  2019-02-06 22:04:37 kill -9 19369
    3  2019-02-06 22:04:40 yast
    4  2019-02-06 22:12:18 cd Downloads/SX300-4.3.4/SanDisk-bundle-5c5b2111ee0db/ioMemory\ SX300/Linux_sles-12/4.3.4/
    5  2019-02-06 22:12:46 cd Software\ Source/
    6  2019-02-06 22:13:11 rpmbuild --rebuild iomemory-vsl4- 
    7  2019-02-06 22:13:58 cd
    8  2019-02-06 22:14:06 cd /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64/
    9  2019-02-06 22:14:08 ls
   10  2019-02-06 22:20:49 cp * /root/Downloads/SX300-4.3.4/SanDisk-bundle-5c5b2111ee0db/ioMemory\ SX300/Linux_sles-12/4.3.4/Software\ Source/
   11  2019-02-06 22:21:01 cd /root/Downloads/SX300-4.3.4/SanDisk-bundle-5c5b2111ee0db/ioMemory\ SX300/Linux_sles-12/4.3.4/Software\ Source/
   12  2019-02-06 22:21:06 ls
   13  2019-02-06 22:21:56 rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl4-4.12.14-94.41-default- iomemory-vsl4-config-4.12.14-94.41-default- iomemory-vsl4-source-
   14  2019-02-06 22:22:15 rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl4-4.12.14-94.41-default-
   15  2019-02-06 22:23:17 rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl4-config-4.12.14-94.41-default-
   16  2019-02-06 22:23:42 rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl4-source-
   17  2019-02-06 22:24:52 cd ..
   18  2019-02-06 22:24:53 ls
   19  2019-02-06 22:24:58 cd Utilities/
   20  2019-02-06 22:24:59 ls
   21  2019-02-06 22:25:12 rpm -Uvh fio-preinstall- 
   22  2019-02-06 22:25:26 rpm -Uvh fio-sysvinit-
   23  2019-02-06 22:25:40 rpm -Uvh fio-util-
   24  2019-02-06 22:25:44 rpm -Uvh fio-sysvinit-
   25  2019-02-06 22:26:16 cd ..
   26  2019-02-06 22:26:19 ls
   27  2019-02-06 22:26:26 cd Software\ Binaries/
   28  2019-02-06 22:26:28 ls
   29  2019-02-06 22:26:41 rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl4-3.12.49-11-default-
   30  2019-02-06 22:26:54 rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl4-4.4.21-69-default-
   31  2019-02-06 22:27:04 rpm -Uvh iomemory-vsl4-4.4.73-5-default-
   32  2019-02-06 22:27:09 cd ..
   33  2019-02-06 22:27:13 cd Firmware/
   34  2019-02-06 22:27:14 ls
   35  2019-02-06 22:27:21 rpm -Uvh fio-firmware-fusion- 
   36  2019-02-06 22:27:36 fio-status 
   37  2019-02-06 22:27:50 yast
   38  2019-02-06 22:28:51 ls
   39  2019-02-06 22:29:00 fio-update-iodrive fusion_4.3.4-20180621.fff 
   40  2019-02-06 22:29:23 fio-status 
   41  2019-02-06 22:29:55 modprobe iomemory-vsl4 
   42  2019-02-06 22:30:11 vim /etc/modprobe.d/10-unsupported-modules.conf
   43  2019-02-06 22:30:32 modprobe iomemory-vsl4 
   44  2019-02-06 22:30:49 fio-status 
   45  2019-02-06 22:30:54 yast
   46  2019-02-06 22:35:43 cd
   47  2019-02-06 22:35:44 ls
   48  2019-02-06 22:35:59 cd Downloads/
   49  2019-02-06 22:36:31 mv SX300-4.3.4/ SX300-4.3.4-SLES12-SP4-WORK
   50  2019-02-06 22:36:33 ls
   51  2019-02-06 22:36:51 cd
   52  2019-02-06 22:37:03 hostnamectl set-hostname bay4
   53  2019-02-06 22:38:08 fio-status 
   54  2019-02-06 22:41:20 cd /lib/modules/4.12.14-94.41-default/
   55  2019-02-06 22:41:21 ls
   56  2019-02-06 22:41:31 cd


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REPRODUCE OF THE VULNERABILITY =): Collaboration: silentsignal


Donate if you are not shame!

DVWA - Brute Force (High Level) - Anti-CSRF Tokens

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