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Показват се публикации от януари, 2015

Useful 8 digit-capacity_generator

Useful 8 digit-capacity_generator by nu11secur1ty WARNING: Edit this part # (10000000 .. 20000000); if you know what is going on, but if you don't know do not touch anything =) Dear visitors. You can use this program for any brute force attack with eight digit number-for testing of course. After edit the code you can use nine or ten digit number, but just be careful. =) IMPORTANT: When you use larger range of number, and edit the script, you have to use POWERFUL machine! And of course you can use for something useful this is RECOMMENDED! RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD: Need to install "git" if you don't have it! # apt-get install git Type this command git clone https://github.com/nu11secur1ty/generator.git in to your terminal, in to directory whatever you want. Then hit enter and you're ready to use the program, from this directory. Alternative link

Jeff Dunteman Wiley Assembly Language Step by Step Programming with Linux 3rd 2009

Wiley Shellcoders Handbook 2nd Edition 2007

Metasploit, Penetration Testers Guide

The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws

Hacking: The Art of Exploitation

Three parts - modules for education from Offensive security. Happy new year, dear visitors. =)

Offensive Security by nu11secur1ty Call Offensive Security from Offensive Security on Vimeo . Happy Holidays from Offsec To view this modules, you need to open "swf" files with your favorite browser. WARNING: The audio is with poor quality! Enjoy watching =)

Offensive-security-lab. Happy new year, dear visitors. =)

Special thanks to Mati Aharoni !

Live Demo from Backtrack to the MAX

Live Demo from Backtrack to the MAX by nu11secur1ty bonus music =)